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Note that all episodes of this series are grouped together so voting for a day is the same as voting for all episoded.

LocationBlazing Games - One of those Weeks - Day 3

One of those Weeks

Day 3


Please select the episode you wish to play

Episode 17: Dream Builder ( Play in Popup window )

Asleep in the cockpit of a plane, you seem to be in the middle of a dream where you have to build something. Before you can build, you need parts.

Ootw18Episode 18: Completing the Quest ( Play in Popup window )

With a good night sleep behind you, it is time to complete the Hermit's quest.

Ootw19Episode 19: Charles Chink ( Play in Popup window )

The Hermit's quest has been complete, now it is time to turn your dream into reality.

Episode 20Episode 20: Dark Cave ( Play in Popup window )

The hermit won't let you use his ax, but perhaps there is another way of "borrowing" the ax.

One of those Weeks episode 21Episode 21: The Raft ( Play in Popup window )

You now are in the possesion of an ax. Now all you need to do is build a raft. Should be a piece of cake!

One of those Weeks Episode 22Episode 22: Back to the Mainland ( Play in Popup window )

You have the raft, now you just need to get to the mainland!

This ends of one of those weeks day 3. Day four is now underway.

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