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LocationBlazing Games - One of those Weeks - Day 4

One of those Weeks

One of those Weeks Episode 27
The fourth day of the week


Page Last Updated: December 5, 2008


Your return to civilization was a blunt reminder that civilization isn't always very civilized. While episodes can be played in any order, it is recommended that you play through the episodes in the proper sequence. As a week has seven days, each episode is grouped to the day in which it takes place.

Day 4 of the game is broken into six separate episodes numbered from 23 to 28 (as the episodes are part of a larger game). While you can play them in any order, it is best if you play them in order. You should also have played through the first three days before going through this day. That being said, if you do have problems going through one of the episodes, you can skip it to go to the next episode with very little problems. The exception being episode 23 which has information that is needed for episode 25.

System Requirements

This game requires the Flash Player 7 or greater plugin be installed in your brower.
You can get this plugin at Adobe's web site by clicking here

Revision History


All episodes of this day have been released.


All the work on this day's episodes was done by Billy D. Spelchan

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