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The game of General is a Category game where the goal of the game is to fill all the categories with the highest score possible. The version of General that I have played has 10 categories, though I have seen variations of the game that have more. In addition, there is an instant win if the player rolls 5 of a kind on their first roll.

Last time I created a generic about system so this time I am going to start by creating a generic title. I am doing this because it should be fairly quick to do and the breakdown of major tasks gives me an extra slot that this fits into. Of course, the title is important as it has testing info on it so this is the first task that I am going to finish today.

Once the generic title has been completed, it is time to get the basic dice rolling system implemented. I am not worried about the complete game but am more concerned about finishing the dice selection mechanism.

Next comes the layout of the score table. This is different from other games the different categories need to be taken into account. The score sheet layout just covers the layout of the score sheet as the actual scoring mechanism of the game is too complex and deserves it's own build.

Scoring the game is next. This is the heart of the game so this next to last task is kind of important.

Finally, putting the rest of the game together into the playable build. With the scoring system in place this should be fairly quick.

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