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LocationBlazing Games - Ultimate Retro Project - Volume 1 - Episode 11

Ultimate Retro Project

Episode 11: Classic Tanks for the Memory

The tank controlling all the Memory Chip Factories wins!

Page Last Updated: April 26, 2006


Welcome to a world where he who controls the memory controls the universe! The goal of this game is to take control of all the memory factories with your tanks.

Using the Console

Creating text games is interesting, but my goal was also to present the game in a way that would simulate a teletype machine as close as possible. This is why the game uses my console.

My Teletype Emulator is designed to simulate playing the game on an old teletype machine, down to the dot matrix output. Anybody who has used an old printer knows how slow they were. They were also noisy, but out of the goodness of my heart, I decided to leave the noise out.

For getting input from the user, I decided to go with a fancy LCD model, in which what you type will be send to a LCD display for your approval before being transmitted to the machine. Unlike real machines, my terminal is intelligent and will only let you enter something when the program is requesting input. Any other typing is ignored.

Playing the Game

First you must decide how many humans are going to participate. There will always be four players, with the computer controlling any extra slots. Each human should be given a name. The computer will name all of its slots.

The player starts the game with $10000. Each day, the player receives a base fund of $100 and an additional $250 per factory that is under his/her control. When the player has enough money, and his or her base is unoccupied, the player will be given the option of creating a new tank. Players are limited to nine tanks. Tanks cost the player $5000.

The game loops through all the players tanks (if a player has 4 tanks, all 4 get a move). Each tank has a set number of movement points. Different commands cost different amounts of points, as does moving over different terrain types. If you end a tanks turn with extra points, half those points are added to the next turns points. Using more than the alloted points costs double the overflow amount.

Commands are not case sensitive.

Movement and Shooting chart

Tanks move and shoot in the direction they are facing. Different terrain types cost different amounts to move. Bullets move up to 5 points, with their cost being different from the tank movement.

Symbol Movement
. 8 1 Paved Road
- 10 1 Dirt
, 12 1 Grass
% 20 2 Forest
^ 25 3 Hills
~ NA 1 Water
* NA NA Mountains
f 8 2 Factory

System Requirements

This game is requires Java 1.1 or better to run. Browsers that support 1.1 tend to be 4.x or better versions. Windows XP users may have to download a Java plug in to use Java applets.

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