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This is a very important part of the game play. Writing the score code was quite fun and I had some clever ways for determining the score value of the various categories. The key to determining the scoring revolves around sorting the five dice values.

A general (big or small) when sorted should have the first value equal to the fifth value. Four of a kind should have the first value equal to the fourth value or the second value equal to the fifth value. For a full house, the first two values should match as should the last two values while the middle value should match either the first value or the last value.

Actually getting the player to select the type of category they are going to select is done by putting buttons on top of the text fields and making all the buttons invisible. When the player rolls, all the potential scores are worked out and the valid buttons are labeled with the scores and made visible.

to test scoring I am always treating the rolls, no matter how many I make, as the first roll in the round.

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