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The name of this level reflects the fact that this level contains the minimal amount of elements necessary for a proper game level. While the construction set lets you create levels that cannot be completed, I don’t know why any ethical being would want to do such a thing. For those of you who are interested in creating levels for this game, this level clearly demonstrates the minimal requirements for creating a level. Quite simply, you need the player, an energy crystal, and an exit.

Playing through this level is easy. When the level starts, the player is near the top of the screen. The player is the green guy, who we will call Joe, and that is who you control in the game. Because there is nothing to stand on, Joe will immediately start falling. While this may seem scary, and does cause Joe to wildly flap his arms, there are no restrictions on how far he can fall. You will also notice that Joe always falls straight down. The controls will not do anything until Joe lands. So at the start of this level, you simply need to wait for Joe to land on the bottom of the screen. At this point you can use the left and right cursor keys to move to the left or the right. You will notice that Joe will always move an entire block length even if you release the cursor key in the middle of a motion.

At the bottom of the screen, the ground that Joe is standing on, is the game status panel. This consists of three separate sections. The first section shows you how many lives you have left. The second section tells you how many energy crystals that you have picked up and the total number of energy crystals in the level. Energy crystals are explained below. The final bar shows you the number of portable holes you currently are carrying and the total number of portable holes in the level. We will discuss portable holes in a later section.

The goal of any level is to gather all the energy crystals and exit the level through the exit portal. What exit portal? Quite simply the one that appears once you have picked up all the energy crystals. So at this point all that you need to do is walk over the energy crystal. You will notice that the crystal is automatically picked up and that suddenly a block like structure has appeared on the screen. This is the exit portal. Walk through the portal to end the level.

Some of you may be thinking that there is not too much to this game, but do remember that this is the absolute minimum level. To be perfectly honest, though, all the levels in this tutorial are fairly easy, with only the last level having any real threat involved. The point of this is to teach you all the elements of the game. The five official level sets will provide you with a bit more challenge than this tutorial level.

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