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Open Holes

From the explanation of the previous level, you should already know how to solve this level. The big difference with this level is that the hole is already in its active form. There is also a ladder in this level and a wall that breaks the bottom half into two sections. The ladder is in one half, while the other half is not accessible. There appears to be nothing in the half that is not accessible, but from history you should know things aren’t always as they seem.

The first task at hand would be to pick up the energy crystal that is to the left of you to reveal the location of the exit portal. You probably had already guessed where the exit was going to appear. This leads to the question of how to reach the exit. Even if you did not create a hole, you are able to pick up a hole. Walk up to the hole. When you are right beside the hole, press the z key. This key picks up a hole that is left of the player. If no hole is to the left of the player it will use one of the holes in the players’ inventory to create a hole. If neither situation is true, the key does nothing. The x key works the same way, except the action happens to the right of the player.

The ladder is here in the off chance that you walk too far and fall through the hole. Had there not been a ladder in the level, accidentally falling through the hole would have resulted in the player being unable to finish the level. If you ever end up in a situation where you get stuck and it is no longer possible to complete a level, you can forfeit the level by pressing the q key. This will cost you one of your lives.

When you pick up the hole, you will notice that there is brick where the hole use to be. Players who are using the construction set to build their own levels should take note of this. The open hole tile in the construction set always reverts back to brick.

Winning the level is just the matter of taking the hole you just grabbed and using it over the other half of the level. Jump down the hole, and walk through the gate. If you want to be efficient, you can place the hole right over the exit gate and drop right into the exit.

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