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The final level introduces the villain of the game. Mindless Man-eating slime. The slime will always try to reach the player by trying to be at the same vertical level as the player and then trying to be at the same horizontal position as the player. If there is only one slime, then you only have to worry about outrunning it. You do move slightly faster than the slime (unless you are on grass) so there isn’t too much of a problem there as long as you pay attention. If there are more than one slimes, you have to avoid getting into a position where you are between two slimes.

The very first thing you have to do in this level is grab the energy crystal. Do this as quickly as you can as there is a slime heading toward you. Slimes will have no effect on energy crystals, so you don’t have to worry about that. If you have spare lives (which you should) you can try leaving the crystal. Climb up the ladder. Get the portable hole. The hole cannot be created on metal, and the slime is to close to run back to the brick level so you will have to continue on to the grass level. You can now open a hole behind you. Watch as the slime approaches the hole. It will attempt to pass over the hole. It is mindless after all. Surprise! Instead of falling through the hole, there is a reaction between the slime and the hole. Both are destroyed, and you have lost the level. You may be able to go back down and get the crystal, but if you do, you have no way of reaching the exit gate as there is now a permanent hole where the slime and portable hole collided. Hit the q key to forfeit the level. You will lose a life, but at least you learned an important lesson.

The proper way to complete the level is to simply grab the crystal and run to the exit gate. Toasting the slime is optional. In the real game levels, be aware of the reaction between a portable hole and slime. Sometimes destroying slime can be beneficial, but more often it can be dangerous and can cost you a life.

Now that you have gone through this tutorial, you now have all the knowledge needed to play through the real game levels. There are five sets of real levels, with each set having eight levels in it, so do enjoy.

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