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Level 2: Steel Floors

While this level can be considered a reflex level, eliminating a slime is really not too difficult, and with only a single slime to deal with this level is not complicated at all.

There are a lot of ways of completing this level, but I have found the easiest (for me) procedure is as follows. Climb up the ladders on the right, grabbing the energy crystals on the far right as you climb. Eventually you will meet up with the slimes. If the slimes are just above you when they are dangerously near, wait until they start climbing down the ladder you are under, run to the center ladder and climb it then race up the ladders to get to the top of the screen. As there is a hole on the top ladder, you should now have at least one portable hole, though I usually have two.

The goal at this time is to make the level easier by eliminating a slime. At the same time, we also want to be careful not to make the level impossible to win. Running to the far left and climbing up onto the brick is the key here. Drop the hole to the extreme left. Based on how quickly you did this, one of two things is happening. If you were quick, the slimes are on the ladder to the right so you will not be in a rush. In this case, drop down the hole and gather the energy crystal. Climb down to a lower level and once the two slimes approach you, climb back up and race to the location where you dropped the hole. Quickly retrieve the hole. The slimes should be close enough that they are heading up the left ladder, but if they are not lure them. Go to the extreme left portion of the brick and drop the hole in front of the oncoming slimes. Once will be destroyed while the other will fall through the newly formed hole. When the remaining slime has started climbing back up the central ladder, drop down the hole.

In the case where the slimes start following you to the left before you have gathered the far left energy crystal, the procedure is pretty much the same. You quickly drop a hole over the far left crystal and when the hole is just about to get you, run through the hole. The slime should continue forward and run over the hole. If it does, you have eliminated a slime. If not, follow the rest of the description above.

At this point you have both of the crystals that were under the left brick and only have to worry about a single slime. Dodging the slime is just a matter of going to a level lower than the slime, waiting for the slime to get near you, then racing the slime to the top. The right crystals should be retrieved by going after the far-right one first (so if the slime does get too close to you, it will not create a hole that will make it impossible to solve the level). After you get both of the floating crystals, getting the remaining energy crystals on the level is simply a matter of dodging the slime. When all the energy crystals have been retrieved, race to the exit. If the slime is proving a problem, try letting it get close to you so that it will use the same ladders as you do and stay behind you.

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