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Tarot - Decision Maker


Decision Maker

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Where you are now

The Ten of Pentacles represents wealth. This is an indication that you are currently entering into a successful or prosperous phase of your life and should try and make the most of it. While success is often attributed with wealth, having a happy family life can be far more valuable to many people.

What are you focusing on

The Chariot is an indication that your goals may not be compatible and that they are pulling you in different directions. It may be possible to find a compromising path that allows for your different goals to co-exist, but that may not always be possible or may require you lower some of your goals. The key here is to take a close look at your goals and make decisions based on what you believe in.

What is making your task difficult

The Three of Pentacles represents the craftsman. In the blockage position, this is an indication that while you are busy doing all the work, your co-workers are taking all of the credit. If you want to get the benefits that you have earned then those who matter should know who is doing the work.

What do you need to reach your goal

The Four of Cups represents apathy. This is often an indication that you may be having problems reaching your goal. There may be a solution to your problems right in front of you, but your focus on what is going wrong is preventing you from seeing it. When things start going wrong on the path to your goal, it is usually a good idea to take a step back and look at your situation more holistically.

Hidden insight

As the Five of Cups -- which is influencing your current situation -- represents loss, you may not be having the best of times. This may indicate that you are feeling grief over something you have recently lost. In order to move forward, you have to accept things the way they are as you can not go back in time and change things. As the saying goes, 'when life gives you lemons, make lemonade.'

Potential outcome

The Knight of Cups is about idealization so when it appears in a future position is an indication that romance is in your future. The big concern about this card is that you are likely to have exaggerated feelings towards the person so try to make sure what you are feeling is real.

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