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Single Card Draw

Single Card Draw

This is a random card that can be considered your card for the day or the card that best reflects the question you wished to be answered.

Past Present Future layoutPast, Present, Future

This layout gives you a look at your current situation by taking a look at the past, the present, and the future.

Blocked Future LayoutBlocked Future

This layout is similar to the Past, Present Future layout, except it also includes an additional blockage card which describes what is preventing you from moving forward.

Mystic Seven LayoutMystic Seven

A simplified version of the Classic Celtic Cross layout. This is a good general purpose layout for examining your current situation and how to best take on the future.

Decision MakerDecision Maker

This layout is designed to help you make decisions. By looking closer at the aspects that make up the decision you are trying to make, you can get better insight into both the decision and yourself.

Horseshoe layoutHorseshoe

The horseshoe layout is a popular layout that is a general purpose layout. While it can be used for any type of question, it is more focused on giving a broader stroke of the situation.

Celtic Cross layoutCeltic Cross

This is the layout that most people think of when they see a tarot layout. No tarot collection is complete without this layout, but don't worry, there are many more layouts coming.

Celtic Cross layoutLove Test

This layout lets you examine your current relationship. This is a bit more prophetic relationship than I personally like so I remind you that the layout is for entertainment purposes.

Celtic Cross layoutGreatest Weakness

This layout is designed to get you thinking about your weaknesses and the strengths you can use to overcome the weakness.

An additional bakers dozen or so layouts are planned.

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