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Tarot - Mystic Seven


Mystic Seven

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Your current situation

The Nine of Cups is about wish-fulfilment. This card is about being happy with your success. You should be sure to count your blessing. Remember, though, that just because you have success now doesn't mean you will always have it. Be careful not to over-indulge wasting the gains that you have made. There are always other people who want what you have so be sure that you don't coast along. With your wishes coming true, now is the time to work hard to keep them.

What is in your way

The Tower card is about ruin and devastation indicating swift and drastic change. As much as we try, nobody can control all aspects of their life. Trying to build a tower around yourself to protect you from the evils of the world may work but it is only a short-term solution. Eventually the tower will crumble.

What you are hoping to achieve

The World card indicate that some of your goals are close to completion. The accomplishment of your goal may indicate that it is time for a bit of a celebration, but the end of one goal often also indicates the start of something new.

What is influencing your efforts

The Knight of Swords is influencing your situation. This Knight is ready to charge into battle. Not only is this knight willing to make a stand, but fully expects to win the upcoming battle. Battle, of course, is a metaphor for any competitive situation and as always war should be a last resort.

Past influences

The Three of Cups is about friendship. In the past position this card generally indicates that something that has happened in one of your social groups is influencing your current situation.

The near future

The Ten of Swords is in your future. This is an indication that your current problems may require some sacrifices in order to get to the end. The end of your current cycle does indicate the start of a new cycle so perhaps it is time for a clean break.

Potential outcome

The Hierophant is about systems of beliefs and in the future position is an indication that you will find things to believe in. The key to finding your faith is to first learn to think for yourself so that when the truth shows itself you will be able to see it.

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