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LocationBlazing Games - Ultimate Retro Project - Volume 5 - Episode 57

Ultimate Retro Project
Episode 57: Classic Text Adventure


Modern Maze

Save your girlfriend from a werewolf

Page Last Updated: October 31, 2008


What better way to celebrate Halloween (the official release date of this game) then by having a text adventure with a horror theme. Text adventures were a common type of adventure game with the earliest text adventures using a two word parser. While some commercial text adventures (yes, people actually use to pay money for text based games) had full sentence input, but from a programming perspective Verb Noun based parsers were much easier to write and many old adventure games use that format.

System Requirements

This game is requires Java 1.1 or better to run. Browsers that support 1.1 tend to be 4.x or better versions. Windows XP users may have to download a Java plug in to use Java applets.

Revision History

First Release on October 31, 2008!

This game is open source with the source code being hosted at

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