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Blazing Games - Ultimate Retro Project - Volume 5 - Episode 50
Page Last Updated: November 16, 2007
If you recall, the classic Maze game was essentially a random maze generator. The modern version does exactly the same thing. The difference is that the maze is then presented to the player as a three dimensional 360 degree maze. As a bonus, the time it takes you to go through the maze is timed so you can replay the same maze (losing the automatically generated map) to see if you can best your time or challenge somebody else to beat your best time.
This game is requires Java 1.1 or better to run. Browsers that support 1.1 tend to be 4.x or better versions. Windows XP users may have to download a Java plug in to use Java applets.
First Release on November 16, 2007!
This game is open source with the source code being hosted at
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