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After a late lunch, I got back to work. Starting time was 14:00 and the finishing time was 15:15.

The player class for this game is dramatically different from the other game bars that I have done so going through the poker class that I borrowed and ripping out almost everything really made me feel like a butcher. This is probably a case where the time savings that I gained by borrowing code was outweighed by the work required to revamp the class. Perhaps it wasn't quite that bad, but I don't think I saved that much time by borrowing code from an older episode that I wrote than I would have spent writing the class from scratch. More to the point, if I would not have wrote the original code, I probably would have ended up spending more time figuring out the code than it would have taken me to write it from scratch. Sometimes using old code is not worth it. The manager, however, only required a few minor tweaks to get it to work so the time savings there were quite substantial.

The player class simply can be thought of as a score holder. This lead to the problem of what to do with the scoring information between rounds. I suppose I could have made this part of the player bar but I opted instead to have it at the bottom of the screen.

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