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Level 8: Thick Walls

Set 1 Level 8

This is the final level of the first set and is largely a puzzle level. The big trick to completing this level is learning how to deal with multiple layers of brick.

As there is a slime in this level, it is best to start the level by getting rid of the enemy. To do this, you need to trap the slime. Climb up the rope then run across the platform to the chain. Wait for the slime to get close and drop down onto the chain below. Move across the chain, but don’t move off the chain until the slime is over the bowl-shaped block of bricks below. Move off the chain. As you grab the holes, the slime will be trapped in the “bowl.”

Climb back up the rope and in the center of the platform drop a hole. Move over a space and drop another hole. You should now have two holes side by side. Jump into this double hole and drop a hole. You can now fall down onto the platform of energy crystals. Once you have gathered the crystals, drop a hole over one of the two floating crystals. When you drop through the hole you will pick up the crystal. Work your way back up the rope and jump down the hole again. Recover the hole you used to get the floating energy crystal and use it to get the other crystal.

Back up the rope, you can recover the two holes on the top of the platform, but are forced to lose the other two holes. Cross over the chain and use the holes to get the remaining four crystals. Drop a hole to get out of there and be careful not to fall into the bowl of slime. Climb the rope to reach the exit.

You have finished the first set!


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